
The need to rapidly reduce CO2 emissions is widely recognised and we are working with vessel operators to enable them to reduce the carbon footprint of their vessels.

An impressive portfolio of emission reduction and décarbonisation solutions

Shipping accounts for around 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions and while emissions from small craft are much lower there is still the need to replace diesel and petrol engines as soon as possible. Vectis Marine Design has been working on emission reduction solutions since 2017 and has established an impressive portfolio of emission reduction and décarbonisation solutions.

Advancing Marine Sustainability

The first step toward decarbonizing ships and boats involves minimizing their energy consumption.

As technologies to lower fuel use and CO2 emissions are still under development, the primary focus should be on evaluating and reducing the energy demands of vessels. Vectis has facilitated up to a 15% reduction in annual fuel consumption for operators by implementing practical operational changes.
Further efficiency gains can be made by integrating technologies that either reduce propulsion energy or provide additional thrust, like transom flaps, air lubrication, and wind assistance systems.

Hybrid Propulsion

Hybrid offers a partial solution to vessels with more demanding service schedules and operating profiles

For vessels with more demanding service schedules or operating profiles, hybrid propulsion offers a partial decarbonisation solution. The ability to operate emission free (and quietly) for entering harbour or a zero emission zone, while still able to operate at higher speed for long range, and retain a back up in the event of shore power failure is attractive for many types of vessel.

Vectis has delivered hybrid propulsion studies for many vessel types and recognises the benefits and the drawbacks which inevitably are the cost, weight and complexity, whether in serial or parallel hybrid arrangements. CO2 emission reductions are achievable but are generally quite limited.

Electric Propulsion

Electric propulsion either in isolation or as part of a hybrid propulsion system is a solution for ferries and many small craft.

There are many electric propulsion systems available but it is the limited energy density of current battery technologies and the shore power infrastructure that today limits its application to ferries and displacement craft.

Vectis has delivered feasibility studies, designs, and specifications for electric propulsion of ships and small craft. These include for new and converted vessels and we have developed some innovative solutions to enable the battery capacity to be minimised, thereby reducing project costs and environmental impact.